Modern slavery is a term that incorporates the offences outlined in the Modern Slavery Act 2015; which are:
- slavery, servitude, or forced and compulsory labour, where victims are pressured, deceived and forced against their free will into providing work, and
- human trafficking, where an individual facilitates the travel of another individual to exploit that person.
Further details with regards to the offences can be found in Section 1 and Section 2 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
At Microsystems, we prohibit the use of modern slavery in our business operations. We are committed to ensuring that we operate with morality and integrity in all our business dealings and relationships, and to put the necessary control measures in place for the prevention of any form of modern slavery in our business dealings. As such, we implore all our employees, suppliers and other business associates to hold themselves and their stakeholders to the same high standards.
Policy Statement
All employees and business associates of the Company have a role to play for effective prevention, detention and reporting of any form of Modern Slavery occurring within our business operations. We expect that everyone working for us, or on our behalf, in any capacity including, without limitation, employees, directors, third-party representatives and business partners to uphold the following measures to safeguard against modern slavery:
- You must not engage in, facilitate or fail to report any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy,
- We are committed to providing adequate training to employees on the identification of modern slavery in our business operations and how to respond in such circumstances.
Compliance with this Policy
You must ensure that you fully read, understand and comply with this policy.
We encourage you to flag any concerns or suspicion of modern slavery in any parts of our business at the earliest possible stage. If any employee has reasonable suspicion that a breach of this policy has occurred, please notify your line manager, or report it following the Whistleblowing Policy.
If you are unsure about whether a particular act, how workers are treated generally or their working conditions within any tier of our business operations constitutes any of the various forms of modern slavery, please notify your line manager.
If any person, other than an employee, has any reason to believe or suspect that a breach of this policy has occurred, or that it may occur, they must notify the line manager as soon as possible or the equivalent person within such person’s own organisation (as applicable).
We advocate for transparency and will support anyone who raises genuine concerns in good faith under this policy, even if they turn out to be mistaken. We are committed to ensuring no one suffers any negative treatment as a result of reporting in good faith their suspicion that modern slavery of whatever form is or may be taking place in any part of our business operations. Negative treatments include dismissal, disciplinary action, threats, or other unfavourable treatment connected with raising a concern. If you believe that you have suffered any such treatment and you are an employee, you should inform the line manager immediately. If the matter is not remedied, and you are an employee, you should raise it formally following our Grievance Policy.
Breaches of this Policy
Any employee who breaches this policy may face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for misconduct or gross misconduct.
We may seek to terminate our relationship with other individuals and organisations working on our behalf if they breach this policy.